Juanes closes the First Global Nonkilling Leadership Academy
October 2009. Colombian musician Juanes (promoter of the "Peace Without Borders" concerts) addressed the participants of the First Global Nonkilling Leadership Academy in the final session celebrated in Honolulu, Hawai'i, on October 16, after two intense weeks of training. Juanes urged the young leaders to take the nonkilling message to their countries and to work on the ground toward a killing-free world.
The First Global Nonkilling Leadership Academy pilot was organized by CGNK to provide a select group of promising young leaders with a life changing experience related to the real and much needed possibilities of a world where killing is no longer taken for granted.
The pilot consisted of a two week program comprising 12 participants from countries as Liberia, Western Sahara, Italy, Lebanon, Palestine, Germany, Kenya, Thailand, Philippines, India, the United States and Hawai’i itself. Participants were nominated by past Nobel Peace Laureates, as well as drawn from organizations and networks partnering with the Center for Global Nonkilling. This initial pilot provided the basis for improving the content, structure and format of the Academy before being offered on a more wide-scale basis in future years.
The program and other information can still be found at the Academy’s blog at: http://non-killing.net/academy/
October 2009. Colombian musician Juanes (promoter of the "Peace Without Borders" concerts) addressed the participants of the First Global Nonkilling Leadership Academy in the final session celebrated in Honolulu, Hawai'i, on October 16, after two intense weeks of training. Juanes urged the young leaders to take the nonkilling message to their countries and to work on the ground toward a killing-free world.
The First Global Nonkilling Leadership Academy pilot was organized by CGNK to provide a select group of promising young leaders with a life changing experience related to the real and much needed possibilities of a world where killing is no longer taken for granted.
The pilot consisted of a two week program comprising 12 participants from countries as Liberia, Western Sahara, Italy, Lebanon, Palestine, Germany, Kenya, Thailand, Philippines, India, the United States and Hawai’i itself. Participants were nominated by past Nobel Peace Laureates, as well as drawn from organizations and networks partnering with the Center for Global Nonkilling. This initial pilot provided the basis for improving the content, structure and format of the Academy before being offered on a more wide-scale basis in future years.
The program and other information can still be found at the Academy’s blog at: http://non-killing.net/academy/
Hai BEA, non entendo nada de idiomas non sei se é vasco ou inglés. Gustaríame que traduciras algo. Biquiños
ResponderEliminarOla Marina,
ResponderEliminargrazas pola túa acostumada visita. Tes toda a razón do mundo. Teño que poñer a traducción. Juanes clausurou unha especie de seminario celebrado en Honolulu (HAWAI), e ao que asistiron líderes de países onde hai conflitos. Trátase de aprender a vivir sen violencia. Na foto están, alén do meu fillo, as persoas que participaron nese encontro. Pareceume interesante que Juanes, tan coñecido mundialmente, se interese por un mundo mais xusto e feliz.
Vaite preparando para os meus cogumelos.
Unha apertiña.